instruction > processing sketch

Processing test sketch
I made simple Processing Sketch.

And I prepared Sketch of the application type. here
oscP5 needs this test sketching.

Installation ahead of oscP5 folder is..

C:\Program Files\Processing\libraries/

iOSC setting

startup iOSC,and "Edit"/"+" select No2 set

No2 set

choose new set, and do host setting.
"Edit / any parts / host" tap it.

tap "Default Host".
「IP Address」Input your pc IP Address.
「Port」Input "10000"
tap 「Save」

*The host setting is common with all parts.

Processing setting

The setting of Processin does not need it.
start up "iOSC_test_for_processing1.pde"

A screen color changes when you operate a button, slider. of iOSC..

I put test sketch of the application type(osx,win,linux).
Installation of processing is unnecessary.

The setting is only host setting of iOSC(win,linux is unconfirmed. sorry..)